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software that will bring fintech into your business





The universal core for
fintech products










The universal core for
fintech products

Each module is a plug-and-play solution, crafted to solve distinct challenges and seamlessly fit into your product.

All you need to bring fintech into your product

Why do institutions love Onicore?

Enterprise-grade security

Scalable cloud architecture

Cyber Security standard ISO27001

Self-hosting of all sensitive data

Extensive Integrations

Access to essential blockchains

Integrations with top global exchanges

A multitude of payment systems

Agility & Flexibility

Blazing time to market

Predictable dew and support costs

Easy-to use and well-documented API

Why do institutions love Onicore?

Enterprise-grade security

High load? Low worries with scalable cloud architecture.

ISO27001 certified. We comply with all the practices and principles established in this International Standard.

Self-hosting of all sensitive data

Extensive Integrations

Access to essential blockchains

Integrations with top global exchanges

A multitude of payment systems

Agility & Flexibility

Blazing time to market

Predictable dew and support costs

Easy-to use and well-documented API

Why do institutions love Onicore?

Enterprise-grade security

High load? Low worries with scalable cloud architecture.

ISO27001 certified. We comply with all the practices and principles established in this International Standard.

Self-hosting of all sensitive data

Extensive Integrations

Access to essential blockchains

Integrations with top global exchanges

A multitude of payment systems

Agility & Flexibility

Blazing time to market

Predictable dew and support costs

Easy-to use and well-documented API

Enterprise-grade security

High load? Low worries with scalable cloud architecture.

ISO27001 certified. We comply with all the practices and principles established in this International Standard.

Self-hosting of all sensitive data

Extensive Integrations

Access to essential blockchains

Integrations with top global exchanges

A multitude of payment systems

Agility & Flexibility

Blazing time to market

Predictable dew and support costs

Easy-to use and well-documented API

Enterprise-grade security

High load? Low worries with scalable cloud architecture.

ISO27001 certified. We comply with all the practices and principles established in this International Standard.

Self-hosting of all sensitive data

Extensive Integrations

Access to essential blockchains

Integrations with top global exchanges

A multitude of payment systems

Agility & Flexibility

Blazing time to market

Predictable dew and support costs

Easy-to use and well-documented API

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Enterprise-grade security

Build new revenue streams and increase mergins by adding crypto accounts, trading, staking and other digital saaets capabilities


Build new revenue streams and increase mergins by adding crypto accounts, trading, staking and other digital saaets capabilities


Build new revenue streams and increase mergins by adding crypto accounts, trading, staking and other digital saaets capabilities

Payment evolution for every industry




OTC / Brokerage

Hedge Funds

Market Makers / Prop Traders

Lending Desk

But my company is different!

Right. Every company is different.

And that's exactly why our system is designed for flexibility, allowing it to integrate seamlessly with any product and technology. We're committed to support and ready to tailor specific functions to meet the unique needs of your business.

Let's see how Onicore can empower your product

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Demo and onboarding

Software setup and integration

Connecting bank accounts and payment systems

Setting up rules and configurations

Support the system